# AWBot 1.0 Config file #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note that everywhere in the file you can include : # __MONENV__ to ask AWBot to replace tag by value of environment variable MONENV # $MYVAR to ask AWBot to replace tag by value of variable already defined # in this same config file. # $STARTSESSION is defined to 1 if AWbot is ran as a standalone process, # defined to first session number if ran from AWBotlaunch. # $NUMSESSION is defined to 1 if AWbot is ran as a standalone process, # defined to session number if ran from AWBotlaunch. # $NBSESSION is defined to 1 if AWbot is ran as a standalone process, # defined to total number of sessions if ran from AWBotlaunch. # You can also include perl code in values everywhere in the file. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # INIT PARAMETERS SECTION #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Put here all global parameters of your test configuration. # # Examples: # OUTPUTDIR="/myoutputdir" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUTDIR = "./output" # Directory where to store result output file(s) SERVER = "localhostdolibarr" # Domain name of main server to test (www.mysite.com) #SERVER = "" #USER = "test" # If your web application require a Basic authentication, this is the login that awbot will use for this test session #PASSWORD = "test" # If your web application require a Basic authentication, this is the password that awbot will use for this test session #PROXYSERVER = "http://my.proxy.server:port/" # If the web application to test is after a proxy BOTNAME = "AWBot" # String value to force bot name used in the user agent string DELAY = 0 # Delay between each HTTP request (-1 wait a key, 0 no delay, n number of seconds) MAXSIZE = 0 # Maximum size of HTTP response (0 = no limit) TIMEOUT = 120 # Timeout (when waiting for a server response after sending a request) LANG = "en" # Choose output language # DATABASE PARAMETERS SECTION #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This section is required only if you added SQL requests in your ACTIONS section (see later) # # Examples: # BASEENGINE="mysql" # USERBASE=($USER eq "toto"?"titi":$USER) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #BASEENGINE = "Oracle" # Here is the name of the perl DBD driver (mysql, ODBC, Oracle, Sybase...) #DSN = "mybase" # Database name #USERBASE = "myuser" # Database login #PASSWORDBASE = "mypassword" # Database password # OTHER PARAMETERS SECTION #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # You can add here as many parameters as you need for rest of config file. # Just use the following syntax (where n is a number between 1 and 99): # PARAMn=value # PARAMn="SELECT SQL request" # # Examples: # PARAM1="select id from employee where name='$USER'" # PARAM2=2000+$PARAM1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAM1 = 1 # LIST OF ACTIONS TO EXECUTE BEFORE A TEST #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # You can use one of the keyword: # SEQUENCE To set a database sequence to a value (see examples, for Oracle only) # SQL To delete/insert some records in the database (see examples) # SCRIPT To launch an external script # # Examples: # SEQUENCE "myseq" $PARAM3+1 # SQL "delete from customers where id_customers < ".($PARAM1+$PARAM2) # SCRIPT "myscript.exe" #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Use the following format:
#  GET		To get an HTML page (using GET HTTP method, like HTML links)
#  POST		To get an HTML page (using POST HTTP method, like HTML forms)
#  CHECKYES	To check if string is found in last response (using POSIX regex)
#  CHECKNO	To check if a string is not found in last response (using POSIX regex)
#  VAR		To extract a parameter from last response (using POSIX regex)
#  SEQUENCE To set a database sequence to a value (see examples, for Oracle only)
#  SQL      To delete/insert some records in the database (see examples)
#  SCRIPT   To launch an external script
#  WRITETO  Write last html response to a file
#  WRITETOH Write last html response with its HTTP header to a file (full response)
#  AUTO     To make a GET on all URLs find in last HTML response page and follow
#           links on n level
#  DELAY    To change the wait delay used after requests on URLs
# Examples:
#  GET		"http://$SERVER/mypage.html?x=y&v=w"
#  POST		"http://$SERVER/mypage.html?x=y&v=w"
#  CHECKYES	"xxx"
#  CHECKNO	"eee"
#  VAR		"VARNAME:idvar=(\d)"
#  SEQUENCE "myseq" $PARAM3+1
#  SQL      "delete from customers"
#  SCRIPT   "myscript.exe"
#  WRITETO  "myfile.html"
#  WRITETOH "myfile.http"
#  AUTO     1
#  DELAY    2

GET "http://$SERVER/dolibarr_new/user/logout.php"
CHECKYES "loginfunction"
POST "http://$SERVER/dolibarr_new/index.php?username=admin&password=bad"
CHECKYES "Bad value for login or password"
POST "http://$SERVER/dolibarr_new/index.php?username=admin&password=admin"
CHECKYES "Dolibarr - Home area"
GET "http://$SERVER/dolibarr_new/societe/index.php?mainmenu=companies&leftmenu="
CHECKYES "Third parties area"
GET "http://$SERVER/dolibarr_new/admin/tools/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=admintools"

# You can use same rules for LIST OF ACTIONS TO EXECUTE BEFORE A TEST.