|| !empty($dates) && empty($datee) && $loanSchedule->datep >= $dates && $loanSchedule->datep <= dol_now() || empty($dates) && !empty($datee) && $loanSchedule->datep <= $datee $objMod->dictionaries = $objMod->{"dictionnaries"}; // For backward compatibility if (($loanSchedule->datep >= $dates && $loanSchedule->datep <= $datee) // dates filter is defined $datee = $langs->trans("Unknown"); $datee = dol_print_date($objectligne->date_end, 'day', false, $outputlangs, true); $txt .= $outputlangs->transnoentities("DateStartPlannedShort")." : ".$datei." - ".$outputlangs->transnoentities("DateEndPlanned")." : ".$datee.''; if (empty($objMod->dictionaries) && !empty($objMod->{"dictionnaries"})) { print 'id.'">'; $object->date_ech = $object->periode; $object->periode = $object->date_ech; $reponsesadd = str_split($obj->reponses); $sql .= " SET reponses = '".$db->escape($reponsesadd)."'"; $sql .= " SET reponses = '0".$db->escape($obj->reponses)."'"; $tmpfiles = dol_dir_list($tmpdir, 'files', 0, '\.od(s|t)$', '', 'name', SORT_ASC, 0); // $object->periode = dol_get_last_day(year of $object->date_ech - 1m, month or $object->date_ech -1m) //$pice = ''; //$typea = ($objp->typea == 'birth') ? $picb : $pice; print ''; $date = $overview[0]->udate; $dateb = $this->db->jdate($data[$j]->datea); $link->datea = $this->db->jdate($obj->datea); $object->periode = $newdateperiod; $out .= dol_print_date($file->datea, 'dayhour'); $pice = ''; $taskstatic->date_end = $this->db->jdate($objp->datee); $tmp = $element->getSumOfAmount($idofelementuser ? $elementuser : '', $dates, $datee); $tmpprojtime = $element->getSumOfAmount($idofelementuser ? $elementuser : '', $dates, $datee); // $element is a task. $elementuser may be empty $typea = ($data[$j]->typea == 'birth') ? $picb : $pice; //var_dump("$key, $tablename, $datefieldname, $dates, $datee"); GETPOSTINT("mouvement"), dol_syslog("msgid=".$overview[0]->message_id." date=".dol_print_date($overview[0]->udate, 'dayrfc', 'gmt')." from=".$overview[0]->from." to=".$overview[0]->to." subject=".$overview[0]->subject); if ((empty($dates) && empty($datee)) || (intval($dates) <= $element->datestart && intval($datee) >= $element->dateend)) { jQuery("#mouvement option").removeAttr("selected").change(); jQuery("#mouvement option[value=0]").attr("selected","selected").trigger("change"); jQuery("#mouvement option[value=1]").attr("selected","selected").trigger("change"); jQuery("#mouvement").trigger("change"); print ''; $TFirstDay = getFirstDayOfEachWeek($TWeek, date('Y', $firstdaytoshow)); $TFirstDay[reset($TWeek)] = 1; $action = 'transfert'; $addform .= ''; $date_liv = dol_mktime(GETPOST('rehour'), GETPOST('remin'), GETPOST('resec'), GETPOST("remonth"), GETPOST("reday"), GETPOST("reyear")); $newfiletmp = preg_replace('/\.od(s|t)/i', '', $newfile); $newfiletmp = preg_replace('/\.od[ts]/i', '', $newfile); $object->period = dol_time_plus_duree($object->periode, 1, 'm'); $object->periode = dol_time_plus_duree($object->periode, 1, 'm'); $project_static->date_end = $this->db->jdate($obj->datee); $projectstatic->date_end = $db->jdate($objp->datee); $ret = projectLinesPerMonth($inc, $firstdaytoshow, $fuser, $lines[$i]->id, ($parent == 0 ? $lineswithoutlevel0 : $lines), $level, $projectsrole, $tasksrole, $mine, $restricteditformytask, $isavailable, $oldprojectforbreak, $TWeek); $taskstatic->datee = $lines[$i]->date_end; // deprecated $this->category->childs[] = $this->_cleanObjectDatas($cat); $this->date_approbation = $this->db->jdate($obj->datea); $this->date_approval = $this->db->jdate($obj->datea); $this->date_approve = $this->db->jdate($obj->datea); $this->datea = $this->db->jdate($obj->datea); $this->datee = $this->db->jdate($obj->datee); $this->periode = $this->db->jdate($obj->period); $tmp = array('id_users' => $obj->id_users, 'nom' => $obj->name, 'reponses' => $obj->reponses); $tmpfiles = dol_dir_list($tmpdir, 'files', 0, '\.od(s|t)$', '', 'name', SORT_ASC, 0, true); // Disable hook for the moment //si les reponses ne concerne pas la colonne effacée, on concatenate GETPOST("mouvement", 'alpha'), GETPOSTINT("mouvement"), foreach ($TWeek as $weekIndex => $weekNb) { if (count($arrayfields) > 0 && !empty($arrayfields['t.datee']['checked'])) { if (jQuery("#mouvement").val() == \'0\') jQuery("#unitprice").removeAttr("disabled"); print ''.$langs->trans("TransferStock").''; print ''.dol_print_date($link->datea, "dayhour", "tzuser").''; $action = 'transfert'; $date_com = dol_mktime(GETPOSTINT('rehour'), GETPOSTINT('remin'), GETPOSTINT('resec'), GETPOSTINT('remonth'), GETPOSTINT('reday'), GETPOSTINT('reyear')); $date_next_execution = (GETPOST('remonth') ? dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('remonth'), GETPOST('reday'), GETPOST('reyear')) : -1); $date_next_execution = dol_mktime($rehour, $remin, 0, $remonth, $reday, $reyear); $datee = dol_get_last_day(GETPOSTINT('yeartoexport'), GETPOSTINT('monthtoexport') ? GETPOSTINT('monthtoexport') : 12); $datesubscription = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOSTINT("remonth"), GETPOSTINT("reday"), GETPOSTINT("reyear")); $ensemblereponses = $obj->reponses; $field = preg_replace('/(:[!<>=\s]+:|:in:|:notin:|:like:|:notlike:).*$/', '', $tmpcrit); // the name of the field $newcrit = preg_replace('/(:[!<>=\s]+:|:in:|:notin:|:like:|:notlike:)/', '', $tmpcrit); $object->datee = $datee; $object->periode = $dateperiod; $return .= '
'.$langs->trans("Payement").' : '.$this->type_payment.''; $sortfield = "datea"; $sql = "SELECT p.rowid as id, p.entity, p.title, p.ref, p.public, p.dateo as do, p.datee as de, p.fk_statut as status, p.fk_opp_status, p.opp_amount, p.opp_percent, p.tms as date_update, p.budget_amount"; $sql .= " '".$db->escape($conf->currency)."' as currency, 0 as fk_soc, t.date_ech as date, t.periode as date_due, 'SocialContributions' as item, '' as thirdparty_name, '' as thirdparty_code, '' as country_code, '' as vatnum, ".PAY_DEBIT." as sens"; $sql .= " , datee = ".(!empty($obj->datee) ? "'".$this->db->escape($obj->datee)."'" : "null"); $sql .= " AND (".$datefieldname." <= '".$this->db->idate($datee)."' OR ".$datefieldname." IS NULL)"; $sql .= " AND (p.datee IS NULL OR p.datee >= ".$db->idate(dol_get_first_day($project_year_filter, 1, false)).")"; $sql .= " AND date_creation BETWEEN '".$db->idate($dates)."' AND '".$db->idate($datee)."'"; $sql .= " AND er.datee >= '".$this->db->idate($date)."'"; $sql .= " ORDER BY pt.datee ASC, pt.dateo ASC"; $sql .= " t.datec, t.dateo, t.datee, t.tms,"; $sql .= " t.dateo, t.datee, t.planned_workload, t.rang,"; $sql .= ", datee = ".($this->date_end != '' ? "'".$this->db->idate($this->date_end)."'" : 'null'); $sql .= "SELECT u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.dateemployment as datea, date_format(u.dateemployment, '%d') as daya, 'employment' as typea, u.email, u.statut as status"; $sql = "SELECT pt.rowid, pt.ref, pt.fk_projet, pt.fk_task_parent, pt.datec, pt.dateo, pt.datee, pt.datev, pt.label, pt.description, pt.duration_effective, pt.planned_workload, pt.progress"; $sql = "SELECT u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.birth as datea, date_format(u.birth, '%d') as daya, 'birth' as typea, u.email, u.statut as status"; $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'opensurvey_user_studs (nom, id_sondage, reponses, date_creation)'; $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.MAIN_DB_PREFIX.'opensurvey_user_studs (nom, id_sondage, reponses, ip, date_creation)'; $sql = 'SELECT s.reponses'; $sql2 .= " SET reponses = '".$db->escape($newcar)."'"; $taskstatic->datee = $db->jdate($obj->date_end); $this->category->childs = array(); $this->datea = dol_now(); $tmpcrit = preg_replace('/^.*(:[!<>=\s]+:|:in:|:notin:|:like:|:notlike:)/', '\1', $tmpcrit); // the condition after the name of the field 'datee' => $date_end, // mise a jour des reponses utilisateurs dans la base if (!empty($arrayfields['t.datee']['checked'])) { if ($user->hasRight('stock', 'mouvement', 'lire')) { if (empty($reyear) || empty($remonth) || empty($reday)) { jQuery("#mouvement").change(function() { preg_match('/:([!<>=\s]+|in|notin|like|notlike):/', $tmpcrit, $reg); print $form->selectDate($object->periode, 'period', 0, 0, 0, 'charge', 1); print ''.$langs->trans("TransferStock").''; print ''.$langs->trans("ClinkOnALinkOfColumn", $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Referers")).''; print ''.dol_print_date($db->jdate($obj->periode), 'day').''; print ''.$langs->trans("AddIn").''; print dol_print_date($object->periode, "day"); $TWeek[$week_number] = $week_number; $action = 'transfert'; $cle_rib = strtolower(checkES($rib, $CCC)); $date_com = dol_mktime(GETPOST('rehour'), GETPOST('remin'), GETPOST('resec'), GETPOST("remonth"), GETPOST("reday"), GETPOST("reyear")); $date_next_execution = isset($date_next_execution) ? $date_next_execution : (GETPOST('remonth') ? dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('remonth'), GETPOST('reday'), GETPOST('reyear')) : -1); $datefrom = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOSTINT('remonth'), GETPOSTINT('reday'), GETPOSTINT('reyear')); $datesubscription = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, GETPOSTINT("remonth"), GETPOSTINT("reday"), GETPOSTINT("reyear")); $datetouse = ($this->date_end > 0) ? $this->date_end : ((isset($this->datee) && $this->datee > 0) ? $this->datee : 0); $elementarray = $object->get_element_list($key, $tablename, $datefieldname, $dates, $datee, !empty($project_field) ? $project_field : 'fk_projet'); $ensemblereponses = $obj->reponses; $head[$h][1] = $langs->trans("Referers"); $head[$tab][1] = $langs->trans("Referers"); $out .= "".$langs->trans("Referer").": ".(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]) ? dol_htmlentities($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"], ENT_COMPAT) : '')."
\n"; $reday = GETPOSTINT('reday'); $sql = "SELECT p.rowid as id, p.entity, p.title, p.ref, p.public, p.dateo as do, p.datee as de, p.fk_statut as status, p.fk_opp_status, p.opp_amount, p.opp_percent, p.tms as date_modification, p.budget_amount"; $sql = 'SELECT p.rowid as id, p.entity, p.title, p.ref, p.public, p.dateo as do, p.datee as de, p.fk_statut as status, p.fk_opp_status, p.opp_amount, p.opp_percent, p.tms as date_modification, p.budget_amount'; $sql .= " (cs.periode IS NOT NULL AND cs.periode between '".$db->idate(dol_get_first_day($year))."' AND '".$db->idate(dol_get_last_day($year))."')"; $sql .= " OR (cs.periode IS NULL AND cs.date_ech between '".$db->idate(dol_get_first_day($year))."' AND '".$db->idate(dol_get_last_day($year))."')"; $sql .= " VALUES (".$conf->entity.", '".$this->db->idate($this->datea)."'"; $sql .= " datee=".($this->date_end != '' ? "'".$this->db->idate($this->date_end)."'" : 'null').","; $sql .= " f.date_approval as datea,"; $sql .= " f.date_approve as datea,"; $sql .= " f.datec, f.dateo, f.datee, f.datet, f.fk_user_author,"; $sql .= " t.datee as date_end,"; $sql .= " t.dateo as date_start, t.datee as date_end"; $sql .= " t.dateo as date_start, t.datee as date_end, t.planned_workload, t.rang,"; $sql .= " tms, dateo as date_start, datee as date_end, date_close, fk_soc, fk_user_creat, fk_user_modif, fk_user_close, fk_statut as status, fk_opp_status, opp_percent,"; $sql .= ", '".$this->db->idate($this->periode)."'"; $sql .= ", cs.libelle as label, cs.fk_type, cs.amount, cs.fk_projet as fk_project, cs.paye, cs.periode as period, cs.import_key"; $sql .= ", datea = '".$this->db->idate(dol_now())."'"; $sql .= ", datee"; $sql .= ", periode='".$this->db->idate($this->periode)."'"; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->db->prefix()."links (entity, datea, url, label, objecttype, objectid)"; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."chargesociales (fk_type, fk_account, fk_mode_reglement, libelle, date_ech, periode, amount, fk_projet, entity, fk_user_author, fk_user, date_creation)"; $sql = "SELECT SUM(duree) as total_duration, min(date) as dateo, max(date) as datee "; $sql = "SELECT id_users, nom as name, id_sondage, reponses"; $sql = "SELECT id_users, nom as name, reponses"; $sql = "SELECT p.rowid, p.fk_statut as status, p.fk_opp_status, p.datee as datee"; $sql = "SELECT rowid, entity, datea, url, label, objecttype, objectid FROM ".$this->db->prefix()."links"; $sql = 'SELECT c.rowid, date_creation as datec, tms as datem, date_valid as date_validation, date_approve as datea, date_approve2 as datea2,'; $test = ""; // Same $test = '/javas:cript/google.com'; $this->periode = $this->date_creation + 3600 * 24 * 30; $title = $langs->trans('Product')." ".$shortlabel." - ".$langs->trans('Referers'); $title = $langs->trans('Service')." ".$shortlabel." - ".$langs->trans('Referers'); $title = $langs->transnoentities("Balance")." - ".$langs->transnoentities("AllTime"); 'datee' => $datee 'datee' =>array('type'=>'date', 'label'=>'DateEnd', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>1, 'position'=>35), 'datee' =>array('type'=>'date', 'label'=>'Datee', 'enabled'=>1, 'visible'=>-1, 'position'=>90), ,'datee'=>array('type'=>'date') // ceci afin d'etre compatible avec les cas ou la periode n'etait pas obligatoire echo dol_print_date($rule->datee, 'day'); foreach ($TWeek as $weekNb) { if (!empty($arrayfields['cs.periode']['checked'])) { if (!empty($arrayfields['p.datee']['checked'])) { if ($datee > 0) { if ($newamount == 0 || empty($this->date_ech) || (empty($this->period) && empty($this->periode))) { if ($user->hasRight('stock', 'mouvement', 'creer')) { if (GETPOSTISSET("reday") && GETPOSTISSET("remonth") && GETPOSTISSET("reyear")) { if (count($arrayfields) > 0 && !empty($arrayfields['t.datee']['checked'])) { if (empty($datee)) { if (empty($reyear) || empty($remonth) || empty($reday)) { if (empty($this->datea)) { if (in_array('01', $TWeek) && in_array('52', $TWeek) && $weekNb == '01') { print $form->selectDate(strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $object->datee)), 'end', '', '', 0, '', 1, 0); print $form->selectDate(strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $object->datee)), 'end', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0); print $object->datee ? dol_print_date($object->datee, 'daytext') : ' '; print ''; print ''.$langs->trans("AddIn").''; print ''.$langs->trans("Datee").''; print_liste_field_titre($arrayfields['t.datee']['label'], $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "t.datee", '', $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center '); * @param string $datee End date (ex 23:59:59) * @param float|string $selectedrate Force preselected vat rate. Can be '8.5' or '8.5 (NOO)' for example. Use '' for no forcing. $TWeek = array(); $date = $obj->periode; $datee = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST('endmonth'), GETPOST('endday'), GETPOST('endyear')); $datee = dol_stringtotime($dateerfc); $datepaid = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOST("remonth"), GETPOST("reday"), GETPOST("reyear")); $datepaid = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOSTINT("remonth"), GETPOSTINT("reday"), GETPOSTINT("reyear")); $datepaye = dol_mktime(12, 0, 0, GETPOSTINT("remonth"), GETPOSTINT("reday"), GETPOSTINT("reyear")); $datepaye = dol_mktime(GETPOSTINT("rehour"), GETPOSTINT("remin"), GETPOSTINT("resec"), GETPOSTINT("remonth"), GETPOSTINT("reday"), GETPOSTINT("reyear")); $datepaye = dol_mktime(GETPOSTINT("rehour"), GETPOSTINT("remin"), GETPOSTINT("resec"), GETPOSTINT("remonth"), GETPOSTINT("reday"), GETPOSTINT("reyear"), 'tzuserrel'); $ensemblereponses = $obj->reponses; $head[$h][1] = $langs->trans('Referers'); $inj += preg_match('/on(dblclick|drop|durationchange|emptied|end|ended|error|focus|focusin|focusout|formdata|gotpointercapture|hashchange|input|invalid)[a-z]*\s*=/i', $tmpval); $inj += preg_match('/on(dblclick|drop|durationchange|emptied|end|ended|error|focus|focusin|focusout|formdata|gotpointercapture|hashchange|input|invalid)[a-z]*\s*=/i', $val); $morewherefilterarray[] = " t.datee <= '".$db->idate($search_date_end_end)."'"; $morewherefilterarray[] = " t.datee >= '".$db->idate($search_date_end_start)."'"; $opensurveysondage->mail_admin = $_SESSION['adresse']; $pdf->SetXY($savx, $savy); $projectstatic->datee = $db->jdate($obj->projectdatee); $reday = GETPOST('reday'); $savy = $pdf->getY(); $somethingshown = $formactions->showactions($object, 'mouvement', 0, 1, '', $MAXEVENT, '', $morehtmlcenter); // Show all action for product $sql .= " (cs.periode IS NOT NULL AND cs.periode between '".$db->idate(dol_get_first_day($year))."' AND '".$db->idate(dol_get_last_day($year))."')"; $sql .= " AND cs.periode <= '".$db->idate($search_date_limit_end)."'"; $sql .= " AND cs.periode >= '".$db->idate($search_date_limit_start)."'"; $sql .= " AND p.datee <= '".$db->idate($search_date_end_end)."'"; $sql .= " AND p.datee >= '".$db->idate($search_date_end_start)."'"; $sql .= " AND t.datee <= '".$db->idate($search_datelimit_end)."'"; $sql .= " AND t.datee >= '".$db->idate($search_datelimit_start)."'"; $sql .= " GROUP BY p.ref, p.title, p.rowid, p.fk_statut, p.fk_opp_status, p.public, p.dateo, p.datee, t.label, t.rowid, t.planned_workload, t.duration_effective, t.progress, t.dateo, t.datee"; $sql .= " GROUP BY p.rowid, p.ref, p.title, p.fk_statut, p.datee, p.fk_opp_status, p.public, p.fk_user_creat,"; $sql .= " OR (cs.periode IS NULL AND cs.date_ech between '".$db->idate(dol_get_first_day($year))."' AND '".$db->idate(dol_get_last_day($year))."')"; $sql .= " ORDER BY t.dateo DESC, t.rowid DESC, t.datee DESC"; $sql .= " SET reponses = '".$db->escape($nouveauchoix)."'"; $sql .= " cs.rowid, cs.libelle, cs.fk_type as type, cs.periode as period, cs.date_ech, cs.amount as total,"; $sql .= " t.datec, t.dateo, t.datee, t.tms,"; $sql .= " t.label, t.rowid as taskid, t.planned_workload, t.duration_effective, t.progress, t.dateo as date_start, t.datee as date_end, SUM(tasktime.element_duration) as timespent"; $sql = "SELECT p.ref, p.title, p.rowid as projectid, p.fk_statut as status, p.fk_opp_status as opp_status, p.public, p.dateo as projdate_start, p.datee as projdate_end,"; $sql.= " ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."notify_def as nd,"; $sql.= " AND nd.fk_action = ad.rowid"; $sql.= " WHERE u.rowid = nd.fk_user"; $sql.= " nd.rowid, ad.code, ad.label"; $sql2 .= " p.dateo, p.datee,"; $sql2 .= " s.logo, s.email, s.entity, p.fk_user_creat, p.public, p.fk_statut, p.fk_opp_status, p.opp_percent, p.opp_amount, p.dateo, p.datee"; $title = $langs->trans('Batch')." ".$shortlabel." - ".$langs->trans('Referers'); $totalforvisibletasks = projectLinesPerMonth($j, $firstdaytoshow, $usertoprocess, 0, $tasksarray, $level, $projectsrole, $tasksrole, $mine, $restrictviewformytask, $isavailable, 0, $TWeek); $value = preg_replace('/([a-z\.]+)\s*([!<>=]+|in|notin|like|notlike)\s*/', '\1:\2:', $value); // Clean string 'x < 10' into 'x:<:10' so we can then explode on space to get all AND tests to do 'cs.periode' => array('label' => "PeriodEndDate", 'checked' => 1, 'position' => 50), 't.datee'=>array('label'=>"Deadline", 'checked'=>1, 'position'=>101), 't.datee'=>array('label'=>"Deadline", 'checked'=>1, 'position'=>5), // Ligne de la periode d'analyse du rapport // ceci afin d'etre compatible avec les cas ou la periode n'etait pas obligatoire //$datee=$now //$dates=dol_time_plus_duree($datee, -1, 'y'); TaskItem(pID, pName, pStart, pEnd, pColor, pLink, pMile, pRes, pComp, pGroup, pParent, pOpen, pDepend, pCaption, pNotes, pGantt)

foreach ($TWeek as $weekNb) { foreach ($TWeek as $week_number) { if (!empty($arrayfields['t.datee']['checked'])) { if ($action == "transfert") { if ($object->id > 0 && $action == 'addin') { if (GETPOST('reday')) { if (GETPOSTINT("reyear") && GETPOSTINT("remonth") && GETPOSTINT("reday")) { print $form->selectDate($datee, 'datee', 0, 0, 1, '', 1, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 1, '', $langs->trans("to")); print ''; print ''."\n"; print ''.$langs->trans("NbOfMembers").' ('.$langs->trans("AllTime").')'; print_liste_field_titre("PeriodEndDate", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "cs.periode", "", $param, '', $sortfield, $sortorder, 'center '); select#date_startday, select#date_startmonth, select#date_endday, select#date_endmonth, select#reday, select#remonth select#date_startday, select#date_startmonth, select#date_endday, select#date_endmonth, select#reday, select#remonth, print ''; print ''.$langs->trans("TransferStock").''; print ''.$langs->trans("TransferStock").''; print 'id.'&token='.newToken().'">'; print ''.$langs->trans("TransferStock").'';